
Sains dan Teknologi


Sains dan Teknologi


Prevent the Spread of Covid-19 in the Workplace Cluster

UNAIR NEWS – Office clusters have become a concern since the new normal era was implemented. In fact, according to the Chairperson of the Expert Team and Spokesperson for the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 Prof. Wiku Adisasmito, quoted from covid19.go.id, said that office clusters must be of concern to the public.

Therefore, health protocols must be carried out properly. To carry out health protocols properly there needs to be health promotion from professionals or office management itself.

“A healthy worker is an asset,” said Prof. Dr. dr. L. Meily Kurniawidjaja, M.Sc., Sp.Ok at the national webinar on Occupational Safety and Health (K3) on Sunday (11/20/2020).

In the webinar which was held by the K3 Study Program, Vocational Faculty, Airlangga University, Prof. Meily said that in offices or factories, management must group its workers into groups. Among them are low, moderate, and high risk of being exposed to the Covid-19 virus, old age, and workers who have comorbidities.

When doing health promotion, of course the parties concerned have difficulties. One of them, a form of the virus that is not visible to the eye, making it seem unreal. “The virus must be visualized to make it easier for workers to understand the promkes being carried out,” said Prof. Meily.

In addition, the course of the spread of the virus must be clearly delineated to give workers a real picture. “This worker must be given understanding. For example, given a picture of a positive patient with Covid-19 who is dying. Please describe it in an easy way so that the workers can understand it well, ”said the Permanent Professor of the University of Indonesia in the field of K3.

Support from various sectors is equally important. Support can be provided from the education sector, work organizations, the environment and the family. From the education sector, knowledge, attitudes and skills can be provided. From the work organization sector, it is necessary to involve work organizations in the preparation of health protocols that include workers’ health promotion programs and formulate action plans to ensure that health programs are supported by the relevant agencies.

Support from the environmental sector can be in the form of involving workers in the process of drafting all programs and companies formulating policies in the health sector, such as prohibiting smoking and providing a healthy canteen. What should not be left behind is the support from the family, the support that can be provided, such as providing healthy and balanced meals, managing a smoke-free house, doing sports together, and arranging adequate rest hours.

“The agency or company concerned must think about the existing health protocol properly,” he concluded. (*)

Writer: Icha Nur Imami Puspita

Editor: Feri Fenoria

Source: UNAIR News