
Sains dan Teknologi


Sains dan Teknologi


Common Requirements

Indonesian Citizen

  1. Graduates of S1 or Diploma 4 Study Programs accredited by BAN PT (can be at the time of graduation or with the latest accreditation certificate from the study program) or
  2. Graduates of S1 or Diploma 4 Study Programs accredited by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (for graduates from the health sector under the management of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia) for the 2012 and previous graduate years
  3. Graduates from PTN or PTS institutions accredited by BAN PT (for graduates in 2015 and after) must include a copy of the PT institution accreditation certificate or a copy of the application letter for accreditation of higher education institutions (AIPT) to BAN PT.
  4. For Indonesian citizens who are graduates of Bachelor’s level or equivalent from abroad, the equation follows the regulations of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia.
  5. Applicants who are still actively working must obtain permission, with proof in the form of a letter of approval or study permit from their direct supervisor (at the time of registration, they must show the letter of permission).
  6. Have adequate health so as not to interfere with the smooth learning process in their study program. (proven by a health certificate from a valid doctor)
  7. Have an ELPT/TOEFL certificate or equivalent.

Foreign citizen

  1. Get a recommendation from the Indonesian Embassy from the country of origin of the prospective student.
  2. Bachelor’s degree from an accredited study program (certificate from the accreditation board).
  3. Have a copy of diploma and academic transcript for Bachelor degree or equivalent (in English).

Common Requirements

  1. Foreign citizens must have a Letter of Permission or Approval from the Government of Indonesia in accordance with its authority if they have been accepted as prospective students at UNAIR.
  2. Have adequate health status so as not to interfere with the smooth learning process in the selected study program, which is determined by the Universitas Airlangga Health Team.
  3. Prospective students who are accepted will receive 1 year of Indonesian language learning, as evidenced by a BIPA certificate (Indonesian for Foreign Speakers and socio-cultural learning).

*For More Information