
Sains dan Teknologi


Sains dan Teknologi

Masters Programme


Master of Science (M.Si)


The Master of Mathematics programme is one of the Master’s programmes managed by the Faculty of Science and Technology. Graduates of this programme must have qualifications in the form of mastery of mathematical concepts and ways of thinking in the learning process, research and problem-solving in various areas of life. This is in line with the curriculum design that uses 2 (two) tracks, namely the lecture track and the research track. The lecture track is designed to produce competent graduates, while the research track is designed to promote research and publications in the field of mathematics. With these two tracks, graduates are expected to be able to compete professionally both nationally and internationally.

Admission Period:

1 Time/Year

National Accreditation


An accreditation body charged with carrying out the accreditation process in the field of education.

Vision, Mission, and Goals


To become a center for the development of mathematics and its application in the field of life sciences based on religious morality.


  1. To organize effective and efficient education based on the applicable curriculum to produce innovative and professional graduates.
  2. To conduct innovative, productive, and high-quality research, both independently and collaboratively at national and international levels, to support the development of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computing, especially in the field of Life Sciences.
  3. To perform community service as an actualization of applying mathematics, statistics, and computing knowledge with quality and dignity.
  4. To produce graduates who are noble, competent in their fields, qualified, and able to adapt to changes and developments in science and technology.


  1. Mastering the concepts and mindset of Mathematics and being able to apply them in the learning process,
  2. Able to develop Mathematics concepts through research in Mathematics,
  3. Able to identify problems arising in the industrial, health, economic, and social fields and solve them using Mathematical modeling,
  4. Have high self-confidence and be able to work together professionally and be able to compete at the national and international levels.

Study Period

2 Years (4 semesters)

Program Implementation

Full Time

Lecture Implementation

On Campus

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