The Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) welcomed a visit from the College of Biomedical Engineering, Rangsit University, Thailand to strengthen academic and research cooperation in the field of biomedical engineering.
The visit was opened with a welcome speech by Prof. Dr. Fatmawati, M.Si., the Vice Dean on Research and Partnership. Also present were Prof. Dr. Suryani Dyah Astuti, M.Si., the Vice Dean on Finance and Human Resources, Dr. Riries Rulaningtyas, M.T as the Coordinator of the Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Program, Prof. Dr. Khusnul Ain, M.Si. as the Coordinator of the Biomedical Engineering Master Program, lecturers from Biomedical Engineering Study Program Prof. Dr. drg. Prihartini Widiyanti, and Inten Firdhausi Wardhani, S.T., M.Sc along with several faculty members of the Biomedical Engineering Program at FST UNAIR.
The delegation from Rangsit University included Assoc. Prof. Nuntachai Thongprance, the Dean of the College of Biomedical Engineering, Asst. Prof. Sami Boonyagul, Ph.D., the Associate Dean for Academic and International Affairs, Assoc. Prof. Nuttapol Tanadchangsaeng, D.Eng., the Associate Dean for Research and Innovations, Thanate Angsuwatanakul, D.Eng., the Head of the Biomedical Engineering Bachelor Program, and two students from the Biomedical Engineering Program, Rangsit University.

The main agenda of this meeting was the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) by Prof. Dr. Miratul Khasanah, M.Si., the Dean of FST UNAIR, covering various forms of collaboration such as Student and Staff Inbound/Outbound, Academic Collaboration, and Research Collaboration. This agreement aims to expand academic networks and promote research innovation in the fields of science and technology.

In addition to the signing of the collaboration agreement, Prof. Dr. drg. Prihartini Widiyanti, Prof. Dr. Khusnul Ain, M.Si., and Dr. Riries Rulaningtyas, M.T from Biomedical Engineering FST Unair were given the time to present their research projects which mostly related to various innovations in the biomedical field. The delegation from Rangsit University also had the opportunity to learn more about FST UNAIR, guided by Inten Firdhausi Wardhani, S.T., M.Sc., as well as receiving an introduction to the Biomedical Department at Rangsit University.

This collaboration is expected to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG no. 4 (Quality Education) through student and faculty exchanges, SDG no. 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) through joint research in the field of biomedical technology, and SDG no. 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) through sustainable academic cooperation.
This partnership is a strategic step for both institutions in strengthening academic and research synergies with a global impact. It is hoped that this collaboration will open more opportunities for students and faculty in the development of knowledge and innovations that benefit society.