Surabaya, Wednesday, February 12, 2025 – The Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) officially established a partnership with PT Forsta Kalmedic Global through the signing of a Cooperation Agreement (MoA), which takes place in the Faculty of Science and Technology’s Meeting Room.
This collaboration aims to promote the development of research products particularly medical devices, joint research collaborations, joint scientific publications, internship programs for students, practitioner lectures in the field of education, and community service activities. Prior to the MoA signing session, the event began with an introduction to the profile of PT Forsta Kalmedic Global and a discussion on the development of dialyzer membranes as a potential innovation in the healthcare field.

The event was attended by the entire board of management from FST Unair, including Prof. Dr. Miratul Khasanah, M.Si., the Dean of FST Unair; Dr. Eridani, M.Si., the Vice Dean I of FST Unair; Prof. Dr. Suryani Dyah Astuti, M.Si., the Vice Dean II of FST Unair; and Prof. Dr. Fatmawati, M.Si., the Vice Dean III of FST Unair. Also present were Mr. Yanuardi Raharjo, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., the Coordinator of the Master Program of Chemistry at FST Unair, and Prof. Djoko Santoso, M.D., Ph.D., Sp.PD.K-GH.FINASIM, a representative from the Faculty of Medicine at Unair and from PT Forsta Kalmedic Global, Ms. Yvone Astri Della Sijabat, the Director, and several other representatives: Mr. Gigih, the Plant Head; Mr. A. Heru Kurniawan, the HR Manager; and Mr. Fahmi Al Azhar and Ms. Ika Hariyati, the Research and Development (RnD) team.
Through this collaboration, FST Unair and PT Forsta Kalmedic Global are committed to strengthening their synergy in research and innovation, particularly in the development of medical device technology. This collaboration is expected to create innovations that can meet the market’s needs for medical devices. As a result, dependence on import products can be reduced, while the domestic production of medical devices can develop with high quality and strong competitiveness.