Students from the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) at Airlangga University have once again made remarkable achievements at the 37th National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS 37), showcasing various innovative works in multiple categories of the Student Creativity Program (PKM).

In the PKM-RSH category, a team consisting of Adma Novita Sari and Pressylia Aluisina Putri Widyangga, both Statistics students from the 2021 cohort, along with students from other faculties, under the guidance of Dr. M. Fariz Fadillah Mardianto, S.Si., M.Si., successfully presented their research titled: “Wayang Wali: Exploring the Hidden Transpersonal Cultural Values of Blitar Regency as a Manifestation of Religious Value Transformation.” This study delves into the cultural and transpersonal values embedded in Wayang Wali, a traditional puppet performance in Blitar Regency, which symbolizes the transformation of religious values within the local community.

In the PKM-RE category, a team of Biomedical Engineering students introduced an innovation in dental health. Their project, titled “Innovative Dental Sponge Hemostatic Agent with Anti-inflammatory Properties Based on Chitosan/Gelatin/Pomegranate Peel Extract (Punica Granatum),” won a silver medal in the Poster RE-6 Scheme category. The team consists of Sirojuddin Kholil Muhammad (Biomedical Engineering 2020), Ahmad Rizki Nur Permana (Biomedical Engineering 2021), Carista Cherys Setianto (Biomedical Engineering 2021), Brigade Mahendra Dharmalaksana (Biomedical Engineering 2022), and Tarrisa Zahira Putri (Biomedical Engineering 2022), under the supervision of Dr. Prihartini Widyanti, drg., M.Kes., S.Bio, CCD. This innovative product utilizes chitosan, gelatin, and pomegranate peel extract as key ingredients to aid in gum wound healing and reduce inflammation.

Meanwhile, in the PKM-KC category for Presentation in the KC Scheme, an interdisciplinary team created an early stroke detection device titled “CORTISCAN: A Non-Invasive Stroke Early Detection Device Using Cortisol Biomarker Based on Photometric Sensors and Copper Nanoparticles (CzuNp-AHMT).” This project won a bronze medal. The team was led by Melia Anggraeni (Chemistry 2021) and included Tsabita Arinal Haq (Physics 2021), Amalia Dwi Berliyanti (Chemistry 2021), and Muhammad Dzulkifli Amar Kaafi Ar Rochim (Biology 2021), under the supervision of Dr. rer. nat. Ganden Supriyanto, M.Sc. This innovation offers a non-invasive technology that integrates photometric sensors and copper nanoparticles to detect cortisol levels, a potential biomarker for stroke in patients.

Additionally, in the PKM-KC category for Digital Poster (Non-PIMNAS), an innovative project titled “STECHTOSCOPE: Wireless Intelligent Stethoscope for Remote Auscultation and Recording Based on the Internet of Things” won 1st place. This team consists of Deva Cantika (Biomedical Engineering 2022), Aldi Rohmat Akbar (Biomedical Engineering 2022), Raihan Ainur Rochim (Biomedical Engineering 2022), and Btary Salsabila (Biomedical Engineering 2022), under the guidance of Amila Sofiah, S.T., M.T. This product enables remote monitoring and diagnosis through a smart IoT-based stethoscope, offering a technological health solution that is highly relevant in the digital era.
With the guidance of highly competent lecturers and a strong spirit of innovation, students from the Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga University, have demonstrated outstanding achievements at PIMNAS 37. This success highlights FST’s commitment to supporting creativity and making real contributions to both the academic and social spheres, while also providing solutions to real-world challenges.