
Sains dan Teknologi


Sains dan Teknologi


Protecting Terrestrial Ecosystems by Utilizing Livestock Manure, Faculty of Science and Technology Universitas Airlangga Built Biogas Reactor on Gili Iyang Island

The Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) Universitas Airlangga, in collaboration with the Environmental Engineering Study Program, has successfully built a biogas reactor that utilizes livestock manure from residents of Gili Iyang Island. This biogas reactor is designed to process livestock waste into gas, which can be used by the residents for cooking purposes. The biogas reactor was officially inaugurated on Saturday, May 18, 2024. The ceremony was attended by several lecturers and students from the Environmental Engineering Study Program at Universitas Airlangga, as well as local residents. Additionally, international students from Universitas Tun Hussein (Malaysia) and the University of Haripur (Pakistan) participated in the program.

The implementation of this program began with a survey on Gili Iyang Island. It was discovered that the supply of cooking gas on the island relied on shipments from Madura Island, which could only be delivered by boat. Based on this issue, the Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga, sought to provide a more convenient solution for residents by building a biogas reactor. The program was met with great enthusiasm by the Gili Iyang residents.

The program includes the planning of the reactor construction, which was carried out by the team of lecturers and students from the Environmental Engineering Study Program, and the actual construction of the biogas reactor, which involved Environmental Engineering students from Universitas Airlangga with assistance from the local residents of Gili Iyang. Dissemination and training on how to use the biogas reactor were also introduced by the FST UNAIR team.

The biogas reactor utilizes livestock waste as the raw material. The process involves diluting the manure and feeding it into the biogas reactor tank. Over the course of two weeks, gas is produced, which is then channeled to the homes of residents through pipes. The biogas can be used to replace conventional LPG for cooking purposes.

The biogas reactor is an environmentally friendly solution because it repurposes livestock waste rather than allowing it to go to waste. The construction of this biogas reactor on Gili Iyang Island by FST UNAIR contributes to achieving SDG Goal 15: “Life on Land.” By utilizing livestock waste, the project supports sustainable terrestrial ecosystems, ensuring that waste is not discarded but rather repurposed as a cleaner, more eco-friendly alternative to conventional cooking gas.

It is hoped that the biogas reactor will be maximally utilized by the residents and that its capacity will be expanded. Given the difficulty of obtaining conventional LPG on Gili Iyang Island, the biogas reactor is expected to serve as a more environmentally friendly alternative, helping the community to become energy-independent.