
Sains dan Teknologi


Sains dan Teknologi

Bachelor Program


Bachelor of Statistics (S.Stat)


The Bachelor of Statistics study programme is a new degree programme within the Faculty of Science and Technology, launched in 2011. This programme produces graduates who are morally able to master, apply, develop and innovate in statistical modelling in life, social and economic fields. There are 2 (two) specialisations recommended for students, namely Statistical Modelling in Life Science and Statistical Modelling in Economic and Social. The challenges of the world of work and the development of science encourage statistics graduates to have competencies based on the curriculum based on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI).

Admission Period:

1 Time/Year

National Accreditation


An accreditation body charged with carrying out the accreditation process in the field of education.

Vision, Mission, and Goals


The Bachelor of Statistics Study Programme is a superior study programme in Indonesia in the application of statistical modelling in the field of life sciences, especially in the fields of health, social and economics to support the development of science and technology, plays a role in fostering the quality of human resources to contribute to the development of scientific societies at national and international levels that are civilised, religiously moral and environmentally sound and strive to realise the ideals of The Best Science with Morality.


Organizing and developing education, research, and community service, especially those related to statistical modeling in the field of life sciences, especially in the fields of health, social, and economy based on national values and religious morals.

Study Period

4 Years (8 semesters)

Program Implementation

Full Time

Lecture Implementation

On Campus

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