
Sains dan Teknologi


Sains dan Teknologi

Bachelor Program

Environmental Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering (S.T.)


In 2018, the Environmental Science and Technology undergraduate programme changed its name to Environmental Engineering based on the Rector’s Decree No. 898/UN3/2018 on the naming of study programmes at Universitas Airlangga. The name change was followed by the re-accreditation of the Environmental Engineering programme in 2019. The scope of education provided to students includes environmental problems in all aspects. There are 3 (three) competence groups (KBK) including KBK Adaptation and Environmental Risk Management, KBK Environmental Infrastructure and KBK Sustainable Environmental Technology. The educational approach of this programme is research-oriented to enable graduates to work in government institutions and private companies.

Admission Period:

1 Time/Year

National Accreditation


An accreditation body charged with carrying out the accreditation process in the field of education.

Vision, Mission, and Goals


To become a superior and leading environmental science and technology study program in its field, capable of organizing innovative and productive educational, research, and community service activities. innovative and productive community service activities.


  1. To create human resources capable of contributing their knowledge to efforts to improve the quality of the environment in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
  2. To improve the mastery and development of environmental science and technology through education, research, and community service activities.
  3. To establish partnerships with government and private institutions to solve environmental problems.
  4. To establish partnerships with domestic and foreign institutions for the development of science and technology in the environmental field.

Study Period

4 Years (8 semesters)

Program Implementation

Full Time

Lecture Implementation

On Campus

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