
Sains dan Teknologi


Sains dan Teknologi


Academic Visit to Phytolab, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya

Research on alternative natural medicines for diabetes has been increasingly conducted in both the medical field and in science and technology. This was also the main focus of the seminar and workshop organized by the Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, from October 7 to 10, 2024. The Staff Outbound activity, participated by Rico Ramadhan, Ph.D. from the Department of Chemistry, is part of a research collaboration and scientific publication between the Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, and the Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga. This collaboration is funded through the International Research Consortium (IRCON) research scheme titled “In Vitro Experimental of α-glucosidase and Free Radicals Inhibitory Activities Related to Diabetes Complications from Natural Products.”

In addition to the IRCON workshop, Dr. Rico also visited the Phytolab in the Department of Chemistry to conduct preparation and isolation of materials. This was followed by a guest lecture, and on the final day, Dr. Rico engaged in discussions about potential collaborations related to community service activities and lab internships planned for next year.

It is hoped that through joint research activities and educational collaboration with the Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, this will strengthen the partnership between Universitas Airlangga and UM. Additionally, the research collaboration aims to produce new anti-diabetic drug findings derived from natural products.