On Wednesday, October 23, 2024, the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) welcomed a visit from SMA PGRI 1 Sidoarjo. The visit was warmly received by Prof. Dr. Fatmawati, M.Si., the Vice Dean III of FST UNAIR, Anjar Tri Wibowo, a Biology lecturer at FST UNAIR, and the speakers who would guide the students in exploring the UNAIR campus, particularly FST. In her welcome speech, Prof. Fatmawati expressed her appreciation and gratitude for the visit to the FST environment. She provided a brief overview of the departments and study programs under FST, as well as the achievements of UNAIR in rankings. This was followed by a speech from the accompanying teacher from SMA PGRI 1 Sidoarjo, who also expressed gratitude for the warm reception from FST UNAIR. The teacher hoped that this visit would motivate the students to pursue higher education, either in FST or UNAIR in general.
After the speeches from both sides, Mr. Anjar took over the event to proceed with a presentation introducing UNAIR in general and FST in more detail. Mr. Anjar explained the distribution of UNAIR’s campuses, the facilities available to students, international activities organized by FST, the achievements of FST, the study programs under FST, and the career prospects for its graduates.
The presentation, which lasted approximately 40 minutes, was followed by a question-and-answer session. Various interesting questions emerged from the students’ curiosity. Questions such as whether UNAIR has a center or institution to assist students in finding careers, whether there are accommodations like dormitories for students, how important it is if a school is not ranked in the top percentage, and many others were answered one by one by Mr. Anjar to satisfy the students’ curiosity. After about two hours, as the clock showed 11:00 AM, the visit from SMA PGRI 1 Sidoarjo to FST UNAIR concluded. The event ended with a joint prayer and a photo session.