
Sains dan Teknologi


Sains dan Teknologi


Managing Organic Waste as Poultry Feed: A Sustainable Solution to Reduce Waste

Organic waste, especially food scraps and kitchen waste, is often considered useless. As a result, this waste ends up in landfills, piling up and causing various environmental problems such as methane gas emissions, as well as soil and water contamination. However, if managed properly, this organic waste can be utilized as animal feed, particularly for poultry like chickens. This approach aligns with the food recovery hierarchy principle, specifically at the third level: feeding animals. One of the important steps in the food recycling hierarchy is to use food scraps for animal feed.

This method offers an effective alternative to reduce food waste while providing both economic and environmental benefits. Edible food scraps, such as vegetables, fruits, or unused bakery products, can be processed and given to livestock. This process not only helps reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, but it also supports farmers by providing a cheaper and more sustainable feed source. However, it is important to ensure that the food scraps used are safe and free from harmful substances that could affect animal health. This approach shows how food waste can be transformed into a valuable resource, in line with the principles of the circular economy.

Organic Waste as a Source of Poultry Feed

Organic waste from food scraps like rice, vegetables, fruits, and grains contains nutrients that can be utilized for livestock. Some types of organic waste that have the potential to be used as poultry feed include:

  1. Vegetable scraps: Green leaves, carrot tops, cabbage, and water spinach.
  2. Fruit peels: Such as papaya, banana, or watermelon skins.
  3. Carbohydrate-rich food scraps: Stale rice, bread, or potatoes.
  4. Kitchen waste: Tofu pulp, coconut husks, or vegetable and fruit juice residues.

If managed well, this waste can become a nutritious food source for poultry. In addition to reducing feed costs, this step also contributes to the reduction of organic waste sent to landfills.

The main challenges in utilizing organic waste as poultry feed are the lack of awareness and proper management systems. Several factors contributing to the continued disposal of organic waste in landfills include:

  1. Lack of public education: Many people are unaware of the potential of organic waste as animal feed.
  2. Insufficient infrastructure: There is a lack of organic waste collection systems that support reuse.
  3. Poor waste separation practices: Organic waste is often mixed with inorganic waste, making it difficult to utilize.
  4. Dependence on landfills: Waste management policies tend to focus more on disposal rather than recycling.

Steps Toward Utilizing Organic Waste as Poultry Feed

To achieve effective organic waste management, synergy between the public, government, and private sector is needed. Here are the steps that can be taken:

  1. Education and Socialization
    The public needs to be educated on the importance of separating organic and inorganic waste. Socialization can be done through campaigns, training, or community programs.
  2. Infrastructure Development
    Providing organic waste collection points at the household level and local-scale processing facilities will facilitate recycling processes.
  3. Processing Organic Waste
    Organic waste needs to be processed before being used as feed. This process includes chopping, fermentation, or drying to improve digestibility and hygiene.
  4. Collaboration with Farmers
    The government and environmental organizations can collaborate with poultry farmers to utilize processed organic waste as feed.
  5. Supporting Regulations
    The government needs to issue policies that encourage organic waste management, including incentives for households or businesses that use organic waste for animal feed.

Positive Impacts of Utilizing Organic Waste

  1. Waste Reduction in Landfills
    By using organic waste as animal feed, the amount of waste sent to landfills can be significantly reduced.
  2. Cost Efficiency in Farming
    Utilizing organic waste helps farmers save on feed costs, which is a major component of livestock farming expenses.
  3. Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
    Organic waste that does not decompose in landfills will reduce methane gas emissions, which contribute to climate change.
  4. Supporting the Circular Economy
    The use of organic waste creates a sustainable economic cycle by turning waste into a resource.

Managing organic waste as livestock feed, particularly for poultry, is a smart solution that supports the food recovery hierarchy principle. In addition to reducing landfill pressure, this approach offers significant economic and environmental benefits. With awareness, supportive policies, and adequate infrastructure, Indonesia can turn organic waste into a golden opportunity for sustainability.

Author: Fitria Zahra Allya Nissa